KHA Website Offers Interactive Workforce Project Asset List


Need an easy way to learn about hospital workforce development projects in Kentucky? KHA just launched an interactive webpage with details on workforce projects across the Commonwealth. 

Using a clickable map, you can search for initiatives taking place throughout Kentucky or by individual districts within each of the four KHA Workforce Development regions (Western, North Central, Eastern, and South Central).

Additionally, projects can be sorted by target audience (K-8, High School, Post-Secondary, and Upskilling). Each workforce development project includes a project description and contact person to assist in facilitating information sharing of best practices.  Even if a project is not in your district, reach the contact person and they will share how you can learn more.  

Updates will be posted regularly, so be sure to bookmark this page and check back often. If you have any questions, or would like to add a resource, please contact Senior Talent Pipeline Manager, North Central Region, Sara Tracy.

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