KHA Cybersecurity Crisis Management Webinars and In-Person Education Sessions


Hospitals across the United States continue to be targets of ransomware and other types of cyberattacks. Not only can these events result in significant and costly breaches of patient information, but they also threaten hospital operations and patient outcomes. System encryption can result in denial of access to life-saving information and medical equipment, while recovery diverts resources from essential operations. Enterprise-wide education on risks and prevention continues to be critical to an organization’s cyber defense strategy.

KHA is proud to partner with the American Hospital Association and Stites & Harbison to provide this important series of webinars and in-person educational sessions. The sessions are a worthwhile investment for both technical and non-technical professionals including CEOs, CNOs, CFOs, CMOs, CIOs, CROs, COOs, senior leadership, nursing leadership, and IT department staff.

The series will include four webinars and one in-person cyber tabletop exercise. Please contact Tammy Wells at KHA Headquarters for more information.

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