Event Calendar

KHA offers educational opportunities throughout the year, including our Annual Convention, virtual townhalls, monthly webinars, and other meetings.

KHA Town Hall: Advancing Pediatric Stroke Care in the ED

Kevin O'Connor Assistant Professor of Vascular Neurology University of Kentucky Department of Neurology  Pediatric stroke is uncommon but can result in significant morbidity and mortality. To improve the triage and...

KHA Town Hall: Legislative Session Update

KHA will host a virtual Town Hall presentation where KHA Senior Vice President of Policy and Government Relations Jim Musser and the KHA Advocacy team will provide an update on...

KHA Town Hall: Healthcare Coalition Community Partners

Ken Kik Healthcare Preparedness Program Manager Kentucky Department of Health This town hall will give an overview of the mission of KY Healthcare Preparedness Program (HPP) and associated Healthcare Coalitions...

KHA Town Hall: Child Sexual Assault/Abuse Evaluation

Please join us to hear important information on child sexual assault and what is available to assist clinicians in the evaluation and treatment of these special patients. Dr. Jackie Sugarman...

KHA Special Town Hall on Medicare Advantage

Please join KHA on Tuesday, October 15 at 9:00 a.m. ET for a Special Town Hall on Medicare Advantage. KHA leadership will share new resources available for KHA members. This is a...