Hospitals Against Violence Initiative
The Hospitals Against Violence Initiative (HAV) is sharing examples and best practices with the field, with a particular emphasis on youth violence prevention, workplace violence prevention and combatting human trafficking. Fact…
Building a Safe Workplace and Community: Violence Mitigation in a Culture of Safety
This issue brief examines how hospitals’ violence mitigation efforts can fit effectively into an organization’s culture of safety strategy. The brief includes thought provoking questions to facilitate discussion of how violence mitigation…
Violence Incident Report Form
Example of what might be used or modified by employers to help identify potential workplace violence problems.
Violence Incident Report Form
Example of what might be used or modified by employers to help identify potential workplace violence problems.
Checklist for Workplace Violence Prevention Policies and Procedures
Hospitals eTool
This Hospitals eTool addresses some of the hazards commonly found in various hospital areas, such as the emergency department and the surgical suite.
Workplace Violence Safety and Health Topics
This workplace violence website provides information on the extent of violence in the workplace, assessing the hazards in different settings and developing workplace violence prevention plans for individual worksites.
Guidelines for Preventing Workplace Violence for Healthcare and Social Service Workers
This publication provides a general overview of worker rights under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act). The guidelines describe the five components of an effective workplace violence prevention…
There are currently no specific OSHA standards for workplace violence…