AVADE Joint Commission Compliance Alignment Guide
AVADE Healthcare Training Flyer
AVADE® Training is designed to educate, prevent, and mitigate the risk of violence and aggression.
AVADE Modules & Objectives
AVADE® Training is a modular-based program that can be presented through: E-Learning, Employee Orientation, 2-Hour Session, 4-Hour Session, 1-Day Session(s), 2-Day Session, Option to Present During Safety or Departmental Meetings…
Advanced Instructor Course Outline
AVADE Instructor Course: Highlight Reel
AVADE Workplace Violence Prevention Information
Chapter 100
(HB 176, Elliott and others)
Chapter 109
(SB 80, Carroll)
Reducing Workplace Violence in Healthcare Webinar
An American Nurses Association study found that over a three-year period, 25 percent of surveyed registered nurses and nursing students reported being physically assaulted by a patient or a patient’s…