Health Career Explorers
Health Career Explorers is a program hosted by local hospitals in partnership with the South Central Area Health Education Center (AHEC) for high school students interested in learning more about…
Warren County Career Shadowing
Warren County Career Shadowing, through South Central Kentucky Launch (SCK Launch), allows small groups of high school students to observe professionals on the job and experience “a day in the…
C.H.A.R.G.E. (Creating Healthcare Advancement opportunities to promote Rural Kentucky under-Graduate nursing excellence)
Through Creating Healthcare Advancement Opportunities to Promote Rural Kentucky Undergraduate Nursing Excellence (C.H.A.R.G.E.), students interested in nursing participate in monthly virtual and in-person workshops to explore the nursing career field….
Career and Technical Education Health Science Learning Pathway for Work Based Learning (FUSION)
The Christian County Public School (CCPS) System uses a Career and Technical Education Health Science Learning Pathway as part of FUSION, their work-based learning program, to create active health care…
High School Rural Scholars
The High School Rural Scholars Program participants observe health care services. Students divide their time between shadowing health care professionals in their home counties and preparing for college entrance exams….
Bus To Business
Bus to Business® is a statewide initiative focused on bridging the gap between classrooms and careers, so students are better equipped to make career choices. Hospitals across the state have…
Healthcare Occupation Students of America (HOSA)
Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) is an organization that develops leadership and technical skill competencies for secondary and post-secondary students. Its mission is to enhance the delivery of compassionate,…
Jobs for Kentucky Graduates (JAG)
Jobs for Kentucky Graduates (JAG KY) guides students at participating high schools in career development, job attainment, retention, leadership, financial literacy, and numerous other life skills. Students are recruited by…
King’s Daughters Medical Center Scholars Program
King’s Daughters Health Foundation awards annual college scholarships to area students pursuing college degrees in health care. TPM® Regional Project Manager Contact: Ashley Hatfield,