Grayson County Medical School Scholarship
The purpose of the scholarship is to support a student from Grayson County, Kentucky with medical school expenses in order for that student to successfully enter into a primary care,…
Healthcare Worker Loan Relief Program of the Commonwealth
The Healthcare Worker Loan Relief Program of the Commonwealth is a new funding opportunity designed to increase the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals to practice in underserved areas of…
Healthcare Workforce Investment Fund
Kentucky, along with other states, recognized healthcare workforce shortages during the 2023 legislative session in part by establishing the Kentucky Healthcare Workforce Investment Fund, which is a public-private partnership to…
Alliant Health Solutions/NMF Medical Research Scholarship
Scholars have the opportunity to conduct a mentored research paper focused on a health care issue of their choice, with the goal of improving or extending life, or of healing…
Alpha M. Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship
$10,000. The Alpha M. Hutchinson Memorial Scholarship, created in memory of the long-time Chairman and CEO of The Citizens Bank, is awarded to a student from Bath, Rowan, or Morgan…
Appalachian Health Graduate Fellowship Program
The fellowships are awarded for two years, for a total of $20,000 ($10,000 will be awarded in the fall of each academic year). Applicants must have a permanent address in…
Bertha Ross Hough Endowment Fund
$1000. As a result of the impression healthcare workers made on the Bertha Ross Hough Family, an endowment was established to honor her by assisting individuals aspiring to further their…
Billie B. Little Scholarship
The Billie B. Little Scholarship is designed to assist academically qualified students residing in Boyd or Greenup counties. Students must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 and an ACT score…
Boyd County Medical Society Scholarship
Four total scholarships of $1,500 will be awarded. These scholarships are for the first school year’s tuition, room and board, books and lab fees for any field of study and…