KHA Presented with TPM Hall of Fame Award

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s TPM Hall of Fame Award was presented to KHA’s Nancy Galvani, Melanie Landrum, and JP Hamm.
KHA Hosts Health Policy Conference

At the KHA annual Health Policy Conference, attendees got to hear from some of the most influential voices in Frankfort and Washington.
Agenda Available for KHA Fall Health Care Workforce Summit

On November 12, KHA will host the Fall Health Care Workforce Summit in Louisville.
KHA President & CEO Nancy Galvagni Celebrates 45 Years at KHA

KHA’s President & Chief Executive Officer Nancy Galvagni was recognized by the staff today for her 45 years of service at KHA.
KHA Submits Proposed Changes to State Health Plan
KHA submitted a letter to the Cabinet for Health and Family Services regarding potential changes to the State Health Plan.
KHA Releases Sepsis Report

KHA released a report sharing the latest data on sepsis in Kentucky.
KHA Podcast Focuses on 340B

KHA’s Senior Vice President of Policy & Government Relations Jim Musser is back on the KHA podcast to discuss the 340B prescription drug program.
Understand Your Options and the Risks Before Medicare Open Enrollment
Medicare open enrollment is scheduled to run October 15 through December 7.
Kentucky Hospital Association Honors Senator Max Wise and Representative Amy Neighbors

KHA regularly recognizes state legislators who have exhibited exemplary service to the hospitals of Kentucky and the patients they serve.