Show Your Support for House Bill to Protect 340B
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Congratulations from the KHA Quality Department
The KHA Quality department is pleased to announce the winners of the KHA goodie bags for their participation in the February Hypertension Games!
February Sepsis Consortium Webinar Summary
The Kentucky Sepsis Consortium recently held its monthly sepsis webinar.
Latest Edition of the Kentucky Trustee is Available
The Kentucky Trustee is a quarterly newsletter KHA produces for hospital boards. The goal is to provide your trustees with information they need to lead your hospital forward in today’s…
KHA Hospital Day at the Legislature
Hospital leaders from across the state spent Thursday, February 22, at the Capitol for the KHA Hospital Day at the Legislature.
KYSOS ED Bridge Team Announces Mercy Health-Marcum and Wallace Hired Peer Support Specialist, Pat Bailey
The Kentucky Statewide Opioid Stewardship (KYSOS) Emergency Department (ED) Bridge Team is excited to announce that Mercy Health – Marcum and Wallace Hospital has hired Pat Bailey, a Peer Support…
Kentucky Hospitals: A $14 Billion Boost for the State Economy
A new report by the Kentucky Hospital Association reveals how the state’s hospitals and their employees are vital for Kentucky’s economic health.
Annual Kentucky Statewide Tornado Drill
The Annual Kentucky Statewide Tornado Drill will be conducted Wednesday, March 6 at 10:07 a.m. (ET).
KHA Town Hall Spotlights Medical Surplus Supply Organization
KHA hosted a Town Hall meeting with guest Denise Sears, President and CEO of Supplies Over Seas (SOS) International.