Kentucky Hospital Insurance Company

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The Kentucky Hospital Insurance Company, RRG (KHIC) recently partnered with Houchens Insurance Group to market its program. KHIC is a Kentucky domiciled captive risk retention group owned by participating hospital members. KHIC provides professional, general and umbrella excess liability coverage to its members in Kentucky and Tennessee. The Company is governed by its members and is managed under contract by KHA Solutions Group, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Kentucky Hospital Association.


KHIC’s mission is to develop, market, distribute and administer medical professional liability and related coverage programs to hospitals through the captive. Operations are conducted and primarily distributed through KHA Solutions Group to members of the Kentucky Hospital Association and Tennessee Hospital Association. The goal of KHIC is to provide stable, comprehensive, and competitive insurance coverage to its member insureds.

Key objectives include creative and imaginative but sound underwriting, innovative product development, and outstanding service. KHIC also seeks to achieve an outstanding reputation for cost containment, aggressive claims administration and a wide variety of risk management/loss control programs.

“We are a member of the Kentucky Hospital Company (KHIC). The members sit on the board and govern the company, which gives us authority and flexibility in the hardening insurance market.
As KHA Solutions Group manages the day-to-day operations for KHIC, including claims and risk management services, we get excellent and professional service based on our individual needs!
If you have any questions about KHIC or the service we receive, I am more than happy to discuss it with you.”

Joe Murrell

Joe Murrell

Chief Executive Officer, Wayne County Hospital

Classes of Business

The Company provides primary professional and general liability and umbrella excess coverage for hospitals. Primary coverage limits of $1M/$3M are provided on a claims-made basis for professional liability for all subscriber facilities and scheduled employees. KHIC writes umbrella excess coverage with limits up to $5M above scheduled underlying coverages including professional liability and general liability (inclusive of employee benefits liability), employer’s liability under workers’ compensation and automobile liability. With the emerging trend of physicians becoming employed by hospitals, the KHIC program can also provide coverage for employed physicians.

For additional information, contact Chris Sweeney or  Lisa Hyman.

“As a member of KHIC, I sit on the board which determines everything from premiums to claims handling. KHIC’s relationship with KHA Solutions Group has been a great partnership! They provide excellent service for insurance operations as well as claims and risk management!”

Nick Bastin

Nick Bastin

Chief Financial Officer, Rockcastle Regional Hospital & Respiratory Care Center, Inc.


Chris Sweeney
Houchens Insurance Group
(270) 529-3508

Lisa Hyman
Associate Vice President, Human Resources & Risk Management
Kentucky Solutions Group
(502) 992-4320